Brandon Troy
Aug 26, 2019
One of the largest gaming conventions in the nation, known only as Dragon Con, commences in a few days. With that said, the event will...

Brandon Troy
Aug 23, 2019
Kevin Feige, Jon Favreau, & Jeph Loeb To Receive HONORARY AWARDS At The 45TH ANNUAL SATURN AWARD
Regardless of where you fall on the recent Disney/Sony "divorce," it's hard to deny the impact that Feige, Favreau, and Loeb have all had...

Brandon Troy
Aug 20, 2019
Superpowered Teens Rebel In Action-Packed NEW Skybound Series, HEART ATTACK
This November, Image/Skybound will be dropping their new action series, HEART ATTACK on comic shelves. Find out more it in the press...

Aug 17, 2019
Brian Haberlin & David Hine’S SONATA #2 & SONATA #3 Rushed Back To Print
In order to meet the growing demand for the #2 & #3 issues of their popular steampunk fantasy series, Sonata, Image/Shadowline will be...

Brandon Troy
Aug 14, 2019
Hotel Information for the 2019 Baltimore Comic-Con
Still haven't secured a room for Baltimore Comic Con 2019? Well, be sure to check out the press release for more information......

Brandon Troy
Aug 12, 2019
"Wonder Woman: Bloodlines" coming 10/5 to Digital, 10/22 to 4K/Blu-ray
Ready for the next chapter of DC Universe Movies? Well, prepare for mythology & modern day to day to collide in Wonder Woman's newest...

Brandon Troy
Aug 11, 2019
DRAGON CON Adopts GROWTIX Platform For Membership Sales
Starting this year, Dragon Con will be utilizing a new platform to administer its membership sales. Read the press release below to find...

Brandon Troy
Aug 11, 2019
2019 C2E2 EXCLUSIVE: Chris Claremont Reflects on X-MEN: THE LAST STAND, DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, & T
Are you a fan of the X-Men films made by Fox? Well, if you are (like I am of some in the series), you have Chris Claremont to thank for...

Brandon Troy
Aug 11, 2019
2019 C2E2 EXCLUSIVE: Sean Forney Talks Con Culture & SCARLETT HUNTRESS
By no means a stranger to the world of comics, Sean has had 18 year career in the industry as an illustrator/comic book artist who has...

Brandon Troy
Aug 8, 2019
Trailer Arrives For Amazon Studio's HONEYBOY
From a screenplay by Shia LaBeouf, based on his own experiences, award-winning filmmaker Alma Har'el (Bombay Beach, LoveTrue) brings to...