BALTIMORE COMIC-CON 2018 Kicks Off Tomorrow!

If you been checking many of the articles lately, you've probably noticed a pattern or theme related to a particular event coming up, and that event is none other than Baltimore Comic Con. Starting tomorrow the convention event will be taking over the Baltimore Convention Center. Will you be there? If not, not to worry, we will! In the meantime, check out the press release below for further details on the event...
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - September 27, 2018 - The 19th Annual Baltimore Comic-Con kicks-off tomorrow afternoon, Friday, September 28, 2018 at the Baltimore Convention Center! The show floor will open at 1:00 pm (12:30 pm for VIP Ticket holders), but box offices will be open as early as 8:00 am.
Here are a few last-minute reminders for attendees:
We are in the Pratt and Howard Street Lobby this year (which is the same entrance as last year).
Online ticket sales end Thursday afternoon.
Be sure to arrive early, as lines to enter when the show floor opens will begin to form early.
All attendees need to bring their receipt from their online ticket purchase or their physical tickets and a photo ID, and follow directions of staff members to guide them to the proper lines where their receipts will be scanned and collected, and wristbands issued.
Those who purchased the VIP Packages should go the VIP booth near WILL CALL to attain their packages.
We have celebrity photo ops and tickets for media guests. You can meet and greet your celebrity guests in the Guest Autographs and Photos Area. More information about all of our media guests can be found here.
The Frank Miller private event will be Friday at 1:30pm in Room 339-342. To purchase Frank Miller Autographs and/or Fan Packages, go to the Tickets page.
The 9th Annual Costume Contest, sponsored by, will be held on Saturday, September 29, 2018 at 3:00 pm for adults (professional and amateur), and Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 2:30 pm for children. Registration will begin as soon as the show opens at 10:00 am and lasts until 1:00 pm each respective contest day. Contest Registration forms will be handed out at the Costume Contest Booth located in the lower Pratt Street lobby for all patrons interested in entering the costume contest. Over-18 registration will cost $10 for professionals and $5 for craftsmen and amateurs. Under-18 registration will be free.
There will be ATMs available throughout the show for your convenience.
Maps for the show are now posted.
To ensure everyone has a safe and fun weekend, please familiarize yourself with theBaltimore Comic-Con Harassment Policy and Weapons Policy.
Bring your comfortable shoes and stay hydrated.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and follow us on SnapChat for all the latest updates and announcements throughout the show.
Unfortunately, the following previously-announced guests will not be joining us this year: Pat Broderick, Dave Dorman, Anne Drozd, Jerzy Drozd, Tod Emko & Piggy, David Finch, Alisa Kwitney, Hope Larson, Paul Levitz, Brandon Peterson, Afua Richardson, Andy Runton, Andy Smith, Rick Veich, and Magdalena Visaggio . We hope to see them in the future!
That's right! Mark your calendars now for the Baltimore Comic-Con's huge 20th Anniversary Show, which will take place the weekend of October 18-20, 2019 at the Baltimore Convention Center. You definitely won't want to miss it! We'll see YOU in Baltimore!
Baltimore Comic Con 2018 commences September 28-30 at the Baltimore Convention Center.
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