Director Returning To Helm DOCTOR STRANGE Sequel

Not that it should come as any surprise, but it would appear - thanks to news that dropped today - that the Sorcerer Supreme will indeed be returning for another adventure. Writer/director Scott Derrickson (seen above with Benedict Cumberbatch at the DOCTOR STRANGE Berlin Premiere), who co-wrote and directed the first DOCTOR STRANGE film, will, according to the Hollywood Reporter, be back to work on the film's sequel. The only difference for Derrickson this time will be that his involvement will only be in a directing capacity.
Since the titular character bit the dust (too soon?) in INFINITY WAR, not much is known about the sequel - that is, in terms of story or even the film's villain. However, if I were a betting man, I would put my money on Baron Mordo as the sequel's villain. Of course, Marvel will likely remain tight-lipped about MCU films post-ENDGAME until the film's April release. Or perhaps, Marvel will reveal all post ENDGAME info at a little event in California this summer (cough, Comic Con)? Only time will tell....
According to the story, untitled DOCTOR STRANGE sequel is aiming for a May 2021 release.
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